Tuesday, March 4, 2008

peeking thru...

i found the beginnings of spring!! i have bulbs planted close to the house in a sunny area~i moved aside some of last falls leaves that i kept there as mulch and this is what i found~the beginning of a hyacynth poking its shoots up~i covered it back up~because march is such a fickle month here (i love it) you never know from one day to the next if it will be sun~rain~or freezing temps with snow~keep these babies snuggled up and safe :)


Maggie R said...

No Fair Tammy...... As I look at this beautiful flower coming up, I am listening to ice pellets hitting the window panes. It has been going on for hours.... Whaaaaa!! I want daffodils!!!!


OH, Tammy you are a BIG Tease!!!!!! Me poor Spring Bulb will be covered by snow here in Michigan for several more weeks. Very sad face. BUT the weeeee Hyacynth gives me "Hope" that Spring will really return. vbg Hugs Judy

Noel said...

Yeah, a peak a boo of green!
I just love to see nature reborn again....puts a smile on my face too!!

artandtea said...

Hi Tammy,
What an exciting early sign of spring. I love the fragrance of hyacinths.
You're right - you never know what March will bring next here in New England!