Saturday, May 30, 2009

ceiling paint and wall color

ok so who had the brilliant idea of painting anyway?? and who knew once i started to put fresh
paint on that the ceiling and walls were so disgusting?? eeewwww!!
i didn't dare take pics of one corner of the ceiling
before the new paint covered it
just to embrassing!
the wall color does not really show the true color
the top is more of a buttery yellow while the bottom under the chair rail is an interesting color~it changes shade with the light of the day
sometimes its a blue-green and during the afternoon-a deeper green and towards dusk it takes on a gray-green color i like it
and i will be so happy when the ceiling is done
i swear i would rather have a root canal than paint the ceiling!!

sure needed fresh paint!!
and the ceiling is old and uneven during different times of the day shadows are thrown making it so very difficult to paint and its taking two coats as well
i will be so happy to have it done..sigh... :)


~*~Patty Szymkowicz said...

that's a big job and a hard one too....root canal = YIKES it must be REALLYYYY bad ;)

Take care and keep going outside to smell the roses :) oxo

Pursuing Art... said...

I LOVE the color and it is going to be so nice when it is done...all clean and fresh and new color too! I love it when the color on the wall changes with the day!

I agree with Patty...keep going outside to smell the roses!

Big hugs to you...~Lisa ;-)